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on 10/20/07 10:49 am - Bradenton, FL
Topic: RE: WLS for Teenage Daughter in Denver
Julie, I highly reccommend Dr Richard Tillquist. He is out of Swedish Medical Center in Englewood Coloado and he did my surgery. I just moved from Denver to Florida. Though I am sont sure he specialized in weight loss surgery for teens but I know he has done surgery on some teens. I have lost 150 pounds with him. Good luck in Denver!!!!! Carla Klein
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on 10/20/07 5:14 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Topic: RE: Home after 5 days in hospital - Hooray
So sorry that you have had issues, but it sounds like you are on the road to recovery.  I hope that the rest of your journey is uneventful!!  Welcome home and welcome to the losers bench.
Gayle  6'2" 

on 10/20/07 5:10 am - colorado springs, CO
Topic: RE: Home after 5 days in hospital - Hooray
im glad to hear you are home.and doing better,i went through the same thing you did,i had internal bleeding had to go back in surgery the next day and have a blood transfusion to,i was in the hospital for 8 days, the first few weeks was the hardest for me,if someone asked me right after i had the surgery was it worth it i would have told them nope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im now 9 weeks out and i dont regret it one bit now, i feel so much better and have more enegry then before, good luck and you will do great, Hugs Becky
on 10/20/07 3:29 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Topic: Home after 5 days in hospital - Hooray
I had my surgery Oct 11th with some complications. I had internal bleeding in the pouch which led to low blood count and eventually a blood transfusion. If you haven't had your surgery yet, It might be good to collect two pints of your own blood just in case. Anyway this all led to bad anemia and between all this an extra long stay at the hospital and a very difficult recovery.  I am happy to report I am feeling much better after I got rid of nausea and bloating.  I started taking pain meds with one cracker and boy what a lifesaver for me. I am finally able to walk downstairs to make my own meals and sit and watch t.v. Whoo hoo.  It was tough but I made it through. Now here's to losing some poundage!
Julie L.
on 10/20/07 2:36 am - TX
Topic: WLS for Teenage Daughter in Denver
Hi Guys, We're moving to Denver in 2 weeks (now in TX) and I'm starting to research WLS for my 16 yr old daughter.  She's got a BMI of 38 and has been overweight since birth.  Can anyone give me the name of a surgeon or clinic that specializes in WLS for teens?  Thanks! Julie
on 10/19/07 2:12 pm - Northglenn, CO
Topic: I've gone insane!!!!!
Check out how I'm going to mark my 2nd surgery anniversery!!!!      I will be attempting this crazy race with some gals from work and their friends. 12 ladys in all 24 hours 170 miles 4 mountain passes. Its not until sept 08 but its my next major goal. everyone on the team we formed has different running abilities and our goal is to have fun and finish. I was alittle worried and wanted to make sure they new my lack of running history. Even the gals I don't know are so supportive of the weight loss and my training. We hope to plan a couple of 5k together before hand to break me in a bit  HAHAHA..  Amy P.S. We are team "Mental in the mountains"

 Convertible Female Starting/pre-op/current/goal
                             393    /    371    /    217 /   199    -176lbs

Member Services
on 10/19/07 8:43 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: New Obesity Technology- How you can help!

Dear OH Members:


Metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes have reached epidemic proportions worldwide.  As we continue our journey in the fight against obesity, it is important to recognize that we have valuable and important insight to offer in the development of new therapies for the treatment of obesity.  Your feedback and personal experiences can prove to be essential in helping to pave the way for so many others who are battling obesity in the years to come, and at the same time, benefit you in the very near future!  The manufacturer of new obesity technology is asking for your thoughts and opinions in the development of this new technology:

“Please help us as we develop a new technology to treat obesity.  If you are struggling with your weight, or have a BMI greater than 30, please click here to take a survey about a product that is under development and that may, someday soon, be beneficial to you.  We appreciate your opinions.  Please take the time to let us know what you think!”


Click here to begin the survey.


Thank you for your insight and for sharing your thoughts and opinions!


Sincerely, OH Staff

Jenn A.
on 10/19/07 6:16 am - Visalia, CA
Topic: Calling all Teachers

I am working on a holiday project for Marine Recruits who are sick or injured and having to spend time in Medical Rehab Platoon. Many of the recruits don't know if they will get sent home or they will get to see their dream come true. Below is a letter if you can read it and help out that would be great. Thanks, Jenn I am with a group call Marine Moms Online (MMO). We are an Internet support group for thousands of families of the Marine Corps. Each holiday season we turn our attention to sick and injured recruits at the Training Depots in both San Diego and Parris Island . These young men and women, approx 750, have been removed from regular training and will be in the Special Training Company (STC) over the holiday season. On Christmas morning MMO delivers a patriotic holiday stocking to each of these recruits. The stockings are filled with items that have been donated from various sources. In the stockings the recruits receive phone cards, envelopes, stamps, note pads and pens. But the key "gift" in this stocking is a bundle of letters that we collect from children all over the country. Last year each recruit had 12 letters in their stocking. That is over 8000 letters! Our goal is to bring cheer to these special recruits on Christmas Day and to show them how much we support them and stand behind their determination to become a United States Marine. And you can be part of that impact - in a very simple way! Would you please help by collecting letters and/or drawings from children of all ages? The subject can be patriotic, holiday wishes, or even a simple thank you for serving our county. It can be from schools, Sunday schools, clubs, and just your own kids. The end result is letters. However you decide is the best way for your class or school to participate is greatly appreciated. Following are simple guidelines for the letters. - Notes, letter, pictures and cards accepted. - Salutation should be "Dear Recruit" - Envelope for each letter/drawing is not necessary - send it all in one package to the address below. - NO personal return addresses. - Mark the back of each note with a classroom sticker or stamp with the school address, if they desire possible responses from recruits. Please mail your letters to arrive by December 5, 2007 to this address: MMO Holiday Project c/o The Avery’s

2403 West Sunnyside Ave Visalia CA 93277
Thanks in advance for your support of our project. We can make the Christmas season just a little better for these recruits who SO desire to serve our country. Sincerely, Jennifer Avery P.S. You can view photos from past visits at this website:


Jenn  ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!






on 10/19/07 12:28 am
Topic: 2 week post-op update
Ok... here is my update. I had my visit this week with NUT and I am down 25 lbs since the surgery on 10/01. With the 19 lbs I lost pre-op that puts me at 44 lbs down... yeah!!  The only problem I am having right now is with my Lovenox injection site. I took my last injection this week and now I have this massive bruise the size of a canteloupe and a hard lump. I called the doctor and they said I probably hit a blood vessel. It looks and feels so weird. If it is not any better by Monday I think I may go in just to have it looked at.  Other than that... everything else is going great! 
Mari D.
on 10/18/07 11:52 pm - Aurora, CO
Topic: RE: New here...excited and scared!

Welcome and it is normal to be scared.  This is a great website to come to to learn and to vent. 

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